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ONLINE MARKETPLACE opens Thurs., February 13 at 5 PM

February 13, 2025

Wondering what is our online marketplace?

The online marketplace features all the furniture, appliances and artwork in our furniture gallery. Items are cataloged, photographed and placed on our website for direct purchase prior to the auction.

How does it work? Bidders set up a profile, browse the catalog and buy at the set price.  Bidders will need to click Bid on the price and the item will then be sold to them. There is no additional bidding. Bidders can pick-up and pay at Sunday preview or during sale on Monday. Items not sold during buy it now will be sold during auction.  Additional pick-up hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM – 5 PM.

When does the marketplace open for buying? The marketplace will open the Thursday PRIOR TO a Monday auction at 5:00 PM EST.  For our December 16 auction, the marketplace opens on Thursday, December 12 at 5 PM.

When does the marketplace close? The marketplace closes on Sunday at 10 PM.  Any items that were not sold on the marketplace will be sold on Monday in the furniture gallery.

When can I preview the items? The only preview for the marketplace is on Sunday from 1- 3 PM during our regular auction preview. If you see something that you would be interested in and need to take a closer look, please call for an appointment.  We ask all bidders to understand that if you decide to “stop in” without calling for an appointment, there may not be any staff available to help and you may be turned away.

When can I pay and pick-up an item(s) I purchased through Buy It Now? Purchased items can be paid for at pick up. Pick up hours Sunday during Preview from 1- 3 PM, during auction on Monday or Tuesday – Thursday directly following Monday’s auction from 8 AM – 4 PM.

Which items are chosen? The only items selected for the online marketplace are furniture and home decor that are sold in our back furniture gallery.

Why Buy It Now? Rather than not accepting furniture and décor that have little value, our intention is to create “buzz” around these items. We price the furniture and décor above what it would generate at auction, but still below retail cost.

Auctioneer’s Note: Auctions are a great way to liquidate all types of personal property and real estate. Taste and decorating trends change constantly. Our job, as auctioneers, is to be aware of market shifts and to adjust accordingly. There are always some items that have little value (perhaps they were over produced, made of pressboard or simply outdated), but still need liquidated. We are continually fine tuning, innovating and striving to provide a great auction experience for buyers and sellers.

Auction starts at:

5:00 pm

Online Bidding Available

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