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With over 50 years of auctioneering experience, we have sold hundreds of properties including:
- residential and investment properties
- farms and land
- commercial properties
- multi-parcel lots.
In the past two years alone, we have successfully sold 100% of the properties we have put up for auction. Our track record is unequaled in the Cumberland Valley.
Our intensive advertising and personal service approach – before each sale – draws attention to the property, and provides maximum exposure to potential buyers. Through the auction’s competitive bidding process, there is a potential to realize more money than the anticipated sales price as property is ultimately sold to the highest bidder. With an auction, high carrying costs are avoided and properties are generally sold with no contingencies—resulting in a quick, cash sale.
- Auction affords the opportunity to list a property for auction and have settlement quickly, typically within a 6 week time frame
- Competitive bidding provides the opportunity to obtain the highest possible price, without the risk of over or under pricing.
- Real estate terms and conditions are drawn up by the auctioneer or the seller’s attorney.
- Open house dates are set and conducted by the auctioneer.
- Property is offered for sale on the scheduled date. If the reserve price is met and the seller agrees, the property is sold. The security deposit is received by the seller and the attorney sets up settlement. The settlement process typically takes 30 days.
- Property is sold without contingencies. When the property is sold, the deposit is paid and is nonrefundable. The seller guarantees a clear title. Any testing the buyer or their lending institution requires is done at the expense of the buyer.