Special Preview Friday, May 10 from 3-5 PM
Selling for the Estate of Patricia Chickering (Timothy Sponseller, Attorney), from a home in Ortanna and others
MODERN FURNITURE & MORE: Wing back chair; (2) occasional living room chairs; bookshelves; sofa; end stands; vanity chair; coffee table; swivel rocker; table and floor lamps; oak bow front curios; (2) swivel living room chairs; double pedestal desk; chair; triple dresser; armoire; MCM table lamp; corner desk; multiple chests of drawers; hutch cupboards; table/chairs; sectional sofa; oak coffee table; leather bar stools w/arms; oak end stand magazine rack combo; patio rockers and table; Victorian platform rocker; cottage dresser and more.
CAST IRON: Nice selection including Griswold skillets and more.
VINTAGE/DÉCOR/COLLECTABLES: Assorted wall and mantel clocks; brass andirons; paperweights; cup/saucers sets; teapots; Lladro figurines; brass wall sconces; McCoy pottery; Stangl pottery; perfumes; transferware; Pyrex; crocks; jugs; depression glass; militaria; nice assortment of costume jewelry; wall art (prints, oils, etc.); modern Crosley jukebox; brewery signs; clock; cameras; Temptations casserole sets and bakeware; Harley Davidson helmet; Pacman machine; small collection of books including 1934, 1935, 1936 Echos; set of blown glass animal cordial bottles; Beam train with train track and connectors; local advertising (banks, rubber tires, etc.); Hess trucks; and more.
APOTHECARY: Will continue selling from local estate – apothecary bottles; advertising glasses; magazines etc.
TOOLS: Nice selection of power tools (circular saws, grinders, drills); set of Dewalt cordless power tools w/case; compressor; extension cords; rakes; shovels; weed wackers; Troy Bilt pressure washer; (2) Ryobi battery chain saws w/chargers; electric pole saw; ladder; brooms; and more
PERSONAL PROPERTY: Washer/Dryer; shelving units; assorted small kitchen appliances; flat screen TV; stereo; Oreck sweeper; (2) drawer filing cabinets; treadle sewing machine; small chest freezer; luggage; BBQ grill; fire pit; wheel barrows; patio table/(6)chairs/umbrella; pizza stone; Amish heater; HP printer and more.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: No Sunday preview due to Mother’s Day. Will begin at 10 AM with general household items, yard items, tools. Main Gallery cataloged items begin at 1:30 PM. Cataloged items sold both live in-house and live online. Furniture mixed in at 5 PM. Remember to check out Buy it Now marketplace items online Thursday, May 9 at 5 PM.
At 10 AM auction begins in our Back Gallery
- Items not cataloged
- Photos can be viewed in the PHOTO GALLERY
- Sold in-person
- Absentee bids welcome – can be submitted in-person or by email
At 1:30 PM auction begins in our Main Gallery
- Items are cataloged & photographed
- Photos can be viewed in the PHOTO GALLERY and through the Bidding Platform.
- Sold in-person and online
- Bidding options – in-person, online, absentee and phone.
After Main Gallery will sell items in Furniture Gallery
- Items not cataloged
- Photos can be viewed in the PHOTO GALLERY
- Sold in-person
- Absentee bids welcome – can be submitted in-person or by email
Successful Bidders may pick up on sale day or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 8 AM – 5 PM and Friday from 8 AM – Noon. Closed non-auction days from Noon – 1 PM. Deadline for pick-up is by Noon on Friday.
We ship UPS or USPS insured for bid amount. Please allow time for accurate and safe packing of your items. Bidders will be invoiced a total including shipping and handling.
TERMS: Cash. Visa/MC/Discover accepted. 15% buyer’s premium discounted to 10% for cash or approved check for in house bidders & online bidders using our website. Statements made day of sale take precedence.
Our Service is the Difference
Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265, AY002190, AH002001
Auctioneer Heather Kohler AU005651
Auctioneer John F. Kohler, Jr. AU000507L